First look at UK zombie film 'Before Dawn'

The good folks at Fangoria have got the scoop on a forthcoming zombie flick from the UK called Before Dawn. This will be the directorial debut of British soap opera star, Dominic Brunt (Emmerdale Farm). But don't let that dissuade you - Brunt organized the Leeds Zombie Film Festival, so his love of the walking dead is there - even if the line-up this year included the absolutely-100%-not-zombie-film The Evil Dead *eye twitch*. At least they admit it - says co-organizer Mark Charnock, "We might as well be showing Driving Miss Daisy.  In fact, that's closer to a Zombie film than the Evil Dead!"

My biggest concern is the plot, which sounds suspiciously like Shaun of the Dead. Per Fangoria, "BEFORE DAWN follows a feuding couple who go on a weekend trip in one last attempt to save their relationship, and wind up smack in the middle of an undead outbreak." Hmmm. 

The film begins shooting next month in Yorkshire and is set to star Jo Mitchell and Nicky Evans. Thoughts?

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