10 Best 'You're Next' Shirt Designs

Threadless is currently hosting a You're Next t-shirt design contest, and some of the entries are ones I'd totally buy! I'm listing my personal favorites here in the hope you'll go vote on them and help get them made! Also, apparently if you score at least 50 shirts, you'll be entered to win a You're Next prize pack yourself! So check these out, and if you like them, please score them, and check out all the other designs while you're at it. Here are my top 10:

7.  Ax by lugepuar (FYI, there are similar designs for machete and crossbow)

2. Cut by radiomode

Update: More I forgot! ha, I love a lot of these shirts:

Beasts by  Moutchy

There's Something Out There by Hey D

And please tell me your favorites (from this bunch or the rest of the designs!)
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